Eat Mor Cardboard
2012-08-06 14:38:40 UTC
If all farmers got together and decided to "throw" one growing
season, there wouldn't be much the progressives in their dirty
filthy cities could do about it. Sure, they could run endless
stories in the news about it, but hot air and politicians don't
make plants grow.
The real fun would be watching the starving progressives killing
and eating each other, reducing their numbers before heading out
into the countryside to be used for zombie target practice.
season, there wouldn't be much the progressives in their dirty
filthy cities could do about it. Sure, they could run endless
stories in the news about it, but hot air and politicians don't
make plants grow.
The real fun would be watching the starving progressives killing
and eating each other, reducing their numbers before heading out
into the countryside to be used for zombie target practice.